9 responses to “The shipping forecast”

  1. that young girl sitting on the right Is 15 years old. That is my mother.

  2. That young girl sitting on the right . She is 15. She went to Salt lake city, Utah and met her husband in the dutch club.They have five children. Henry,Lavora Marvin, Robert,and linda. Henry is dead. Their last Name is meyer.

  3. As I said before I will get some pictures for you. I have that same picture. It is a post card on heavy stock. I have two other pictures one of your dad and my mom, another of grandfather standing next to a yellow house. I never met him. I am the only one that moved away. I will try and get in touch with my brothers about pictures. However as far as i know now they were all discarded. Mom cleaned house and got rid of them. Which made me very sad. My daughter is a dr. also and she is married to a dr. We have four children.
    I am waiting for your answer.

    1. Dear Lavora , What a wonderful gift you send us! Now you say it I do recall your Parents last name. I knew Granddad had moved with the first of their family to Salt Lake, He took with him your Mother and Uncle Simon. This Grandfather (Dirk) originated from Friesland Holland where people are known to be tall. .Your Mom’s sister Jenny was known in our family as the Oral Historian, a Red Head! Never married… Most of what I recall of her spoken family History I have researched and found to be so true which is what brought me to Doggerland.
      When Granddad returned for the rest of his family they did not have passage to enter the U.S. so they came to Canada, they settled very far away from that East coast, in Edmonton Alberta.
      I have a musical Video of beautiful places in Holland and it brings me to tears they left such Beauty to settle in such an empty unforgivingly cold land. Granddad Dogger made his garden grow and he gardened until his year of death. After a fall breaking his hip he rather gave up. He not only gardened his own back yard he gardened two elderly neighbors gardens They were too old he said yet he had a good ten years on them both. . I have many stories to tell you of our Granddad.. Today I will phone cousin our cousin Terry in Gravenhurst Ontario and give him this good news.. He and I wondered for some time where the name Noorda came in… Aunt Anne (if she is still with us) is in British Columbia (Creston) We live in Candle Lake Saskatchewan (such a funny word to say!) , both retired and enjoying it.
      I don’t know how we might exchange email addresses… Happy Holidays Sandra

  4. Lavora Noyes , Liz Comey In response to my email with each of you I received this reply ~~ Sandra

    : host mta5.am0.yahoodns.net[] said: 554
    delivery error: dd This user doesn’t have a yahoo.com account
    (danielnoyes80@yahoo.com) [0] – mta1255.mail.sk1.yahoo.com (in reply to end
    of DATA command)

  5. Lavora Noyes , Liz Comey In response to my email with each of you I received this reply ~~ Sandra

    error: dd This user doesn’t have a yahoo.com account

  6. I will wait for your response

  7. Now I know how they got to Salt lake city. I wonder how they chose Salt Lake City. It was a nice Place to grow up. Canada is so very cold. They must have wanted to get into the U. S. and after a time gave up.
    My younger brother is six feet six. I haven’t done anything about the pictures yet, a lot going on.
    try this E mail address

  8. I’ve seen etymology claiming that “dogger” may refer not only to dogfish but to cod fishers if not the cod they fished. Cod are not “dogfish”.

    I find it interesting that the Dutch borrowed the word “dog” from the English.

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